Love and Blessings for safety throughout our beautiful country as the wildfires get contained. Many friends have safely evacuated from various hotspots or are further sheltering in place with windows closed and air filters on in cases where they are not close to the fires, but the smoke has blown toward them.
The Los Angeles sky looks Dystopian, but not Apocalyptic like the San Francisco Bay Area does now.
I’ve spent my life criss-crossing, exploring, loving, and appreciating our beautiful state of California. Throughout the cycles of destruction, chaos, and transformation, Mother Nature always helps us rebuild anew.
In my own Akashic Records and Kriya Yoga meditations tonight in dialogue with my Higher Soul and Guides, I channeled this soothing message in quotes below. Stay safe and we’ll all keep taking care of each other.
“We lovingly receive Guidance: We must be a Keeper of the Light, no matter what chaos or delusion of chaos involves humankind, for this, among other things, is part of the Great Test, of Calm, of Sanity, of Wisdom, of who can maintain their sense of Stillness; their sense of Wholeness no matter what embers; no matter what ash is raining down.
We see and we know the temporary nature of all things. In this way, we are continuously, and we say, harmoniously, tested, for in these cycles of Destruction and Chaos and Rebirth and Rebuilding, all that must be shed will disintegrate; be transmuted by the earth; ever a renewable resource.
And all that is meant to endure, like the ancient Methusalah Tree; the Ancient Bristlecone Pines that are in our High Sierras that are thousands of years old: How many storms and fires and calamities have these miraculous giants weathered and survived?
Ancient Bristlecone Pine ~ Sunrise, by Leah Lau Art, 1999
And in so doing, they have twisted with the sands and winds and the fires of the ages. And they have become magnificent. This is something for us to ponder, is it not?
Breathe into the stillness and Rejoice that you are alive.
Rejoice in your safety.
Rejoice in the safety of your loved ones.
Rejoice that if you are still here in incarnation, there is your proof you were meant to survive; you chose to survive.
Your work and your lessons and your joy and your celebrations in life are not yet done.
And so you choose to stay.
And you choose to continue to bring forth the unique miracle of your love. The unique psychic frequency of your love and your way of being and all of your unique gifts in the world.
And you’ve chosen to grace this beautiful earth with your presence yet another day.
And we are all so grateful for you that you chose to do so.
With Love, Light, Peace, and Blessings.”
Channeled Time Crystal audio Time Capsule, 5:18 minutes
~ Leah Lau is CEO & Chief Spiritual Officer of Cosmic Dyad, LLC. Originally from San Francisco, she is currently based in Los Angeles. She has had a multi-decade career as an Editor and Photographer, and holds a BA from the University of Chicago.
This article originally appeared in the Medium, Spiritual Tree Publication: