Look within to the perfect stillness of your heart
Your mother is there
Your grandmother
And her mother
All of the Asian women who came before you
Who gave of their lives
Their hearts, their bodies, their youth and old age
To love you and nurture you
Is it a sacrifice if it’s the purest expression of love?
For some, their fathers and husbands were kind and nurturing
For others, only brutality and betrayal
Before the times of divorce
There was quiet endurance
Some had their feet bound
My own paternal grandmother
The smashed bones never allowed to properly grow
Her slow, shuffling pained steps
Every moment of her life
Until she became quadriplegic and could no longer even walk
Their open wounds, their scars got coded in your DNA
You came blazing into this modern world a beacon of embodied Love and Light
You smash the Bamboo Ceiling of every Room
You recode your DNA and create the new paradigm
You heal, not only for yourself, but for every one of them
For every woman and every man in your ancestry
Who was ever abused, beaten, neglected
There are too many to count
And still we show up in love No Matter What
We Stand We Mend We Rise
We Live and Love in Gratitude for all we have
We Alight these new paths every day
Because our Love is stronger than anything else
Our remembrance that we are not these vessels that incarnate by race or gender
Our true I Am nature is that of our souls
The intelligent energy fields that are who we truly are
Our true frequency and reflection in the formless ether
The incarnation of this cosmic play is to shift frequencies
Come into form for a time to embody frequency and mass
Transform and shift the energy densities from heaviness, old trauma, and pain
To the Lightest, the Brightest, the most Joyful frequencies
For we truly show who we are not when times are easy, but indeed when they are difficult
It is then that the true character of one’s heart and soul are known
Love with everything in you
Every moment of every day
No Matter What
In the cradle of my mother’s arms
I learned everything
I would ever need to know
About unconditional love
Celebration of Life for my mother, May Young. Photo by my stepmother, Tammy Lau, 2018. https://lauphotography.smugmug.com
Featured on Mother’s Day 2021 in the Medium Publication P.S. I Love You