Leah Lau smudging at Mystic Journey

Healing Sessions

CEO & Chief Spiritual Officer, Cosmic Dyad LLC

Reiki Master Teacher, Usui, Tibetan, and Pleiadian Reiki

Meditation Teacher * Intuitive * Spiritual Coach

Leah Lau is the CEO & Chief Spiritual Officer of Cosmic Dyad LLC. A Buddhist who was born into this incarnation with intuitive access across all space, time and dimensions, she began her spiritual training at around age 3 when her mother, May Young, taught her about souls, reincarnation, chakras, and yoga. Leah helps people align with their personal Ultimate Timelines, and thrive through Reiki and intuitive clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient information. Attuned to Reiki in 2002, Leah is a certified Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui and Tibetan lineages, a Kriya Yogi, and an Advanced Pranic Healer. 

She holds a BA degree from the University of Chicago. Originally from San Francisco, she is grateful to her parents for teaching her Buddhism. She has been practicing meditation and breathwork throughout her life, including Buddhist, Zen, and Hindu traditions. Leah initated in Kriya Yoga as a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, who founded Self Realization Fellowship. She has trained extensively with Master Stephen Co, head of US Pranic Healing and direct disciple of Grandmaster Choa, the Founder of Pranic Healing. Leah trains in a combined practice of meditation, Reiki, Kriya Yoga, and Mantra.

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I Guide a customized experience for you in any of these, or a combination of healing modalities:
Reiki & energy healing
Spiritual Coaching
Business Coaching

Book through Calendly:


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What are sessions like? 


Things to prepare before your session

* Journal or notebook for taking notes during the session
* Pen
* White or yellow candle
* Incense that makes you feel good: I love Frankincense, Sandalwood, Myrrh
* Aromatherapy: Rose essential oil is super high frequency

Reiki Energy and Pranic Healing
Leah’s Reiki energy healing treatments are a soothing and illuminating blend of universal love frequency and intuitive healing across time and space. Leah facilitates soul timeline healing by focusing her connection with spirit and Reiki energy to help clear out energetic blocks and fill people with divine cosmic love.


How to Prepare for Reiki, or Pranic Healing sessions
Shower or bathe right before session. Here’s a Sea Salt Shower Gel recipe for daily energy cleansing and clearing.

You can use whatever exact brands you’d like =) I’ve included my recs.

Shower Gel base, for example, a lavender one. Use 1/3 of it or empty 1/3 of bottle into another container. 

With the 2/3 remaining amount, add:

About 12 drops Lavender essential oil ~ Pranic Healing blessed

About 3 drops Tea Tree essential oil ~ Pranic Healing blessed 

About 3 drops Frankincense essential oil ~ find a strong one with beautiful fragrance. Amma Shop blessed

Add lots of Sea Salt, preferably a Kosher one, to fill the container back up. I like the Whole Foods Kosher Coarse one. The Whole Foods brand Sea Salt, fine is also good. I like the Whole Foods prana.  

Shake before each use.


Wear light, comfortable clothing, especially of a breathable material like cotton. Breathe. Relax. Receive.

Energy Healing Aftercare
For the first 48 hours after your Reiki energy healing session, your etheric energy field will be more open and sensitive than is usual for you. Energy healing affects every cell in your body as it is upgrading. Integration is on average 2 - 7 days. Some integrations, for example with Reiki attunements, can go for 21 days and longer. You’ll get the most benefits from your energy healing session if you drink 2 - 3 times the amount of water you usually do, have some high vibration food, like vegetarian or vegan food, and then get plenty of sleep. As the higher vibration energy is coming in, it’s also pushing out the lower vibration energies. This process might make your physical body feel tired. After you finish integrating, you may have more clear intuition and energy throughout life.

Grounding: Give yourself time to get grounded and try not to plan anything for immediately afterward, except a good sleep.
Recipes: Akashic Vitality Soup and Mung Bean Dal

Wait to shower: Give your cells time to integrate the energy healing. If you can, wait at least 12 - 24 hours to take a shower, bath, or otherwise immerse yourself in water. The healing energy from the Reiki, and Pranic Healing will continue to move through you even after the session is completed. Large quantities of water surrounding you will “reset” you and will be a signal to your body to stop the active movement of the energy work.



No refunds.

For private individual 1:1 sessions, all bookings must be pre-paid to confirm. They are scheduled and confirmed at least 48 hours in advance so that all can prepare. in case of emergency, one instance of rescheduling is permitted, without a fee, provided that the rescheduling request is emailed to Leah Lau and received by her at least 7 calendar days in advance of the previously confirmed day and time for the session. In those cases, refer to the Calendly scheduling link https://calendly.com/cosmicleah777 to find a new day and time. Email the new requested day and time to Leah Lau and she can assess availability. This is not a guarantee of rescheduling to your requested time. The session must be complete within one calendar year, 365 days, from the date of purchase. Beyond one calendar year, the original booking fee is forfeited.

Any subsequent rescheduling, or requests to reschedule, that are fewer than 7 calendar days from the previously confirmed day and time, will incur a $375 change fee to book and confirm the new day and time.

Sober practice when in session

Meditation and spiritual practice strengthen your connection with your Higher Soul, Divinity, and the energetic healing of unconditional love and bliss. 

You are more powerful than any external substance. The healthiest way to be sovereign is to be in communion with your own Higher Soul, and free of substances of any kind. 

If you are taking any substances, giving your system time to process and release any previous drugs or alcohol will create a safer and healthier space for you to receive and integrate healing energy and messages.

Timing recommendations prior to session

30 days clear of potent and psychoactive / psychotropic drugs, whether considered recreational or medicinal. This includes plant medicines. 

3 days clear of alcohol.

3 days clear of marijuana and cannabis related derivatives including CBD and THC. 

3 days clear of tobacco, vaping, nicotine derivatives.

Timing recommendations after session
3 - 14 days of sobriety to allow your mind / body / spirit systems time to integrate in the natural flow of your biorhythms. After session, your physical body and energetic field are going to be integrating, recalibrating, and in a quantum field of leveling up for days and weeks. The optimum recommendation is no alcohol, drugs, or psychedelic substances for at least 14 days afterward.

These guidelines apply to all services or sessions, whether in person, remote, or in listening to or viewing a previously recorded session or service.

Thank You for helping keep yourself and others safe and sovereign.

By registering for, participating in, or listening to / watching any in-person session, remote session — for example via video or audio, or previously recorded session or service, you agree that Leah Lau and Cosmic Dyad, LLC, are not legally, financially, medically, psychiatrically, or physically, responsible for your health and decisions, before, during, or after any session or service.

You agree you will not take any legal action regarding or toward Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; Viva Costumes, any affiliates, partners, or businesses related to Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; or Viva Costumes.

All information and communications during, before, or after, any of the above services are not medical, psychiatric, mental health, physical health, legal, business, financial, or other advice. It is spiritual information that people can weigh and consider for their own lives and to make their own best decisions for themselves.

Meditation and energy healing can help with spiritual healing and emotional release. Each experience is unique for each individual.

For women who are pregnant or think they might be pregnant, it is advised that they carefully consider what types of treatments or modalities they might wish to participate in or receive. Reiki is generally considered safe for pregnant women. With Pranic Healing treatments, there are specific protocols for pregnant women. Akashic Records generally could be safe for pregnant women. For all modalities, for those who know they are pregnant, please disclose this ahead of session beginning.

Healing treatments and consent are intended for adults 18 years and older, who can legally sign off on the Waiver themselves. For children and those who cannot sign off on their own legal consent, their legal guardian is responsible for their safety. All conditions of this Waiver apply to all persons. Akashic Records readings are not given to people 17 years or younger. Reiki and Pranic Healing energy healing modalities are generally accepted as safe for children. In all cases, the childrens’ legal guardians are responsible for their safety. All legal guardians agree they will not take any legal action regarding or toward Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; Viva Costumes, any affiliates, partners, or businesses related to Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; or Viva Costumes.

For treatments for animals, as they cannot give their legal consent, their legal guardians accept responsibility for their safety and care. Animals of any age can receive Akashic Records Readings, and energy healing, for example, Reiki and Pranic Healing. All legal guardians of the animals agree they will not take any legal action regarding or toward Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; Viva Costumes, any affiliates, partners, or businesses related to Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; Viva Costumes.

If you have any known or prior psychiatric conditions and / or diagnoses, please see the waiver and disclaimer information below.

For safety purposes, I do not allow persons with the following conditions to participate in a live session, nor do I advocate or recommend their listening to a previously recorded audio or video.

Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition, mental health, or emotional crisis during the past 10 years.

Prior diagnosis by a health professional of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. 

Heart attacks, strokes, seizures, or brain/neurological conditions or diseases.

Professionally diagnosed PTSD that is unresolved. 

Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve spiritual healing, emotional release, and processing / integration.

Leah Lau; Cosmic Dyad, LLC; Viva Costumes, reserve the right to refuse services and products to any individual, group, organization or company, for any reason whatsoever.

CODE OF CONDUCT: For all interactions, whether during sessions or in communications outside of sessions, all must maintain the utmost integrity and discernment. Maintain a calm, respectful, and dignified way of speaking to all others and treating all others.

In Love, Gratitude, Safety, and Healing for all.
