The Gold Tree of Life is a tangible reminder of your connection to the earth and to divinity.
So many of us are familiar with the earth blessings of the Gold Tree of Life which is such a universal symbol for all of us and is beautiful flowing across most major world religions.
We have so many beautiful aspects of our world that unite us all and our beautiful Tree of Life is one of our very potent and grounding symbols.
In my work as a Spiritual Coach, psychic medium, and energy healer, I am in ever-present dialogue with hundreds of spirit Guides a day, and thousands in a week.
Here is a beautiful channeled message that our Guides collectively have brought for us:
“We lovingly share a Gold Tree of Life that is filled with 6th Dimension blessings of Love and Peace.
You can envision within your own body the beautiful Gold Tree of Life where your body is the trunk of the gold tree.
From your feet are the beautiful gold roots of the tree that reach down into the earth, through the ground, hundreds of feet down, anchoring your unique light and presence; your unique role on earth; your unique psychic imprint frequency; anchoring it in to the earth.
Then up from above your head, the beautiful gold branches and leaves reaching up toward the sky and toward the heavens, as you are simultaneously drawing in from the sky and the heavens all of the blessings of Love and Peace from the 6th Dimension, and weaving it into your own unique energy signature and radiating it back up into the sky so that all of your unique love and light; the unique ways in which you show up in the world; the unique ways in which you share your love and your heart; that that then magnifies.
Our Guides show a Golden Cloud Palace in the sky together. They are reminding you that you are Heaven on Earth. You are heavenly beings doing divine, light-filled work here on earth. You are acknowledged and recognized for your contributions to humanity as stewards of this earth.
At any time you feel alone or disconnected, reach out to each other, call upon your Guides for energetic help. They are infinite energy and resources for you.
We’re so lovingly reminded all of the time how we are all one world, one energy field together. And so it is with such beautiful, loving blessing that as you radiate your unique love into our skies, that you are infusing our world energy field with your divine love and purpose.
Our Guides so lovingly remind us it is something to be proud of that you have a heart that is so overflowing with love that from that abundance you are sharing it with the rest of the world. They cannot stress enough the world needs more people like you who are operating from such a glorious place of love, compassion, and abundance.
They show in our beautiful skies all of these beautiful winged animal totems who lovingly steward us and are always looking out for us. They show the beautiful hummingbirds, eagles, condors, dragons, butterflies, bees, in flight as they are taking the beautiful, unique, love signatures that you are all radiating out and up.
All of our beautiful winged friends and Guides — they are as pollinators — they are lovingly pollinating the world with the love signature from your heart.
In that way, it’s such a beautiful, loving reminder for us all to keep radiating our unique loving heart signatures into the world.
The world needs each and every one of us.”
This article originally appeared in the Medium Publication, Spiritual Tree
~ Leah Lau is CEO & Chief Spiritual Officer of Cosmic Dyad, LLC. Originally from San Francisco, she is currently based in Los Angeles. She has had a multi-decade career as an Editor and Photographer, and holds a BA from the University of Chicago.