Here are chakras, fields, planes, dimensions, and sacred geometry grids that I’m currently working with below the body.
These are especially beautiful healthy grounding energy and sacred gateways for channeling deep earth healing in symbiotic flow between our Mother Earth, Mama Gaia, and the other intergalactic realms.
~ Earth Star Chakra
~ Galactic Radiance Lava Chakra
~ Diamond Star Chakra
~ Oceania Star Chakra
~ Diamond Star Gateway Earth Chakra
During my own meditations. Kriya Yoga Sadhanas, and group Akashic Records sessions, my Higher Soul and Guides continuously bring through new activations and downloads of information that I integrate within my energetic field and Guide others through, as well.
For chakras below the body, I first connected in with this first one, the Earth Star Chakra, which is already well known across many practices and traditions. (It is not one that I downloaded. And there are other known chakras below the body that I have heard of though I personally hadn’t connected in with them yet, and hadn’t yet felt resonance with names and descriptions.)
During my meditations, I could feel into the activations of the field below me and my Guides directed me toward activations of additional chakras below the body, deep into the earth, and correlated them with the 5 Platonic Solids. During a recent series of meditations, my Higher Soul and Guides refined the names and pairings.
The Galactic Radiance Lava Chakra came in while I was Guiding a group Akashic Records session, and several of us, including my dear Lightworker Artist friend Nicole Dikon, began to see and feel a Fire element. She channeled beautifully about it within her own practice.
When I was feeling into the field, this Galactic Radiance Lava Chakra name and corresponding range, element, and sacred geometry also dropped in.
The Diamond Star Chakra and Diamond Star Gateway Earth Chakra activations and names came in during one of my Kriya Yoga Sadhanas around the New Moon in Cancer, July 9, 2021.
The Oceania Star Chakra activation came in while I was in my Akashic Records on July 11, 2021.
In my own energy channeling practices of 17 frequencies of Reiki; Akashic energy and activations, and intergalactic 5D and beyond energy channeling and activations, my Higher Soul and Guides have asked me to channel specific frequencies through many of my major chakras, from ones above my head, through my body, and below my body, to strengthen the healing Light grids around our world and deep into our earth.
All continues to evolve in quantum leaps and lovely, expansive ways.
If you would like to start using these within your own meditations and Sadhanas, it is easiest to start with the chakras within your body, and then gently start focusing your consciousness and awareness on the chakras outside of your body, starting with those that are closest.
Anything that you are meant to connect in with at any given time will flow.
If you do not feel any of them, be patient and do not push yourself. All will connect in when and if the alignments are present.
Earth Star Chakra
~ Average starting range 12” - 36” below body and can move farther
~ Earth element
~ Cube sacred geometry
Galactic Radiance Lava Chakra
~ 333’ below body and can move around
~ Fire element
~ Tetrahedron sacred geometry
Diamond Star Chakra
~ 555’ below the body and can move around
~ Air element
~ Octahedron sacred geometry, Heart prana
Oceania Star Chakra
~ 777’ below the body and can move around
~ Water element
~ Icosahedron sacred geometry
Diamond Star Gateway Earth Chakra
~ 5555’ plane and dimensions below the body and can move around
~ Aether element
~ Dodecahedron sacred geometry
By using any of these chakras and activations, or accessing any other channeled messages or resources through Leah Lau and Cosmic Dyad LLC, you agree to the Waiver on