While on a nature walk, a dear friend had seen a snake in the process of swallowing and eating a toad. Later that day, one of her friends sent her an article about that exact aspect of nature — except both the snake and toad died in the process. She asked me what I thought of the symbolism.
In my life’s work as a Psychic, Channel, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Coach, I am in daily communion with thousands of loving and high-vibration spirit Guides. When I enquired in my own Akashic Records, an energy field of all of earth’s history, present situations, and future probability timelines / parallel lives, this is the message I channeled with my Higher Soul as the great synthesizer of information and perspectives from across the realms and worlds.
“It is a parable of brothers and the karmic cycles that some pairs of souls will go through as they are finding their way to peaceful existence together; not only co-existence, but peaceful harmony and thriving together.
For in the examples cited, though there is full acknowledgment within this particular natural realm of the biosphere of earth that there are some animals who do kill and eat and ingest others in what you call the Cycle of Life, as this particular biosphere has developed, that cycle is designed to be without waste.
The animal whose life ends at the physical vessel level, provides life-giving nourishment for the other animal.
And in this way, even in death, there is harmony.
There is a karmic soul contract in the Higher Soul giving of its incarnated vessel’s physical life form to support more life.
And in that way,
There is still Honor.
There is still Dignity.
There is still Grace.
In nature, one finds also, that the vast majority of the time, the killing is merciful. It is quite neat. It is quite fast. There is no intention for the animal who is dying — for that animal to be tortured or to suffer unnecessarily.
We say all of this because in the example cited of the snake who died while trying to consume the toad, there was no benefit to either.
The toad did not end up providing an energy source for the snake, and the snake did not end up benefiting from an energy source.
These two beings within that particular incarnation cycle ended up killing each other. The snake killed the toad in trying to consume it. And the toad killed the snake in whatever manner it was that the attempt of the consuming did not work.
In this way, it is similar to two brothers who have fatally shot or stabbed each other. Both suffer. Both meet their end of incarnation.
And we question,
‘What was the value of that? Of brother killing brother?’
There is no value in the life cycle.
It is only repetition of a karmic cycle until beings learn to live in harmony.
In the brotherly cycle, at the human level, humans oftentimes can be in these cycles for thousands of years, millions of years — until each decides that they are going to be harmonious; that they are going to stop the cycle of needless killing.
Until brothers decide to break the karmic cycles; to stop needlessly killing each other, which clearly doesn’t benefit anyone, they will be in a lost vortex together; quite simply, wasted time and energy — until they decide that they will be harmonious and they will support the cycles of life — that they will support each other’s thriving.
We speak mostly of humans now.
Until all humans decide that they will dedicate themselves to helping each other thrive, they are in a cycle of wasted time and energy.
And so it is with a deep sense of urgency; a deep sense of offering Help and regard and helping illuminate with Love and Light and Wisdom whenever possible; that we send our Blessings and our Tidings and what you term as Help to the earth through these difficult times, in the coming months, in the coming years. We are present.
We operate from a place of Wholeness and of Vision of seeing across all Space, Time, Dimensions, knowing what Could Be and seeing these very beautiful, glorious outcomes in the long run.
And we do hope that humans can expedite with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, for as we were saying through the Vessel Known As Leah when she enquired about what to do in a particular situation, we relayed to her the answer is:
‘Love, Compassion, Forgiveness. Always this is the lesson.’
With Gratitude. With Thanks and in Full Faith.”
My gratitude to my dear friend, the wise soul Laura Rizer, for originally bringing this topic of the Snake and the Toad to my attention.
This article originally appeared in the Medium publication Spiritual Tree
~ Leah Lau is CEO & Chief Spiritual Officer of Cosmic Dyad, LLC. Originally from San Francisco, she is currently based in Los Angeles. She has had a multi-decade career as an Editor and Photographer, and holds a BA from the University of Chicago. www.leahlau.com