This summer, earth had a powerful energetic and astrological alignment of the Summer Solstice, Solar Eclipse, New Moon, and Father’s Day all happening over a span of June 20 - 21, 2020.
All year, I had known I was going to be spending it with two magical fellow Lightworker friends, Jenny Deveau and Seth Misterka, the Master Sound Healers of Dynasty Electrik. I was grateful to be up at their cabin, Mile High Retreat, which is one mile above sea level, up in the cloud forest of the San Bernardino Mountains, with the songbirds chirping and hummingbirds visiting me on their deck.
When I led a Group Akashic Records session over Zoom on Father’s Day, for people from around the country, our collective pure energy Guides brought through this channeled message.
“On this day of Ancestral Celebration, of love and remembrance, we are so grateful to all of our ancestors, our fathers’ and our mothers’ sides, for loving us and supporting us — for bringing us to this united glory that we each are.
You are the perfect embodiment of unification.
You are equal parts your mother’s side of the family; of your father’s side of the family.
You are a perfect One of the Two.
Even though many of us do have siblings who are the other closest beings in unification to us; even for those who are twins; you are your own beautiful unique vibrational being, your own unique psychic energy imprint.
We all always have the divine masculine and the divine feminine with us at all times. We are all embodying the divine feminine and the divine masculine at all times, in constant evolution. With our karma, wherever we are at any given time, we live in service for our highest evolution and growth.
Envision an Infinity sign vertically so you can think of it like an elongated number 8. There’s also the Ouroboros infinity sign; that of the snake gently biting its own tail. That’s a beautiful representation of the relationship and support that you and your ancestors have together energetically — that it is infinite and the snakes and the Ouroboros are constant regeneration, so we’re constantly going through these growth cycles.
We regenerate and there’s always a new layer of growth; always a new layer of regeneration for us and our ancestors as they evolve through the energy kingdom. The way that they do that is in Service to Others also. Helping us is their energetic, angelic service.
As you call upon your ancestors for help, know that you are also part of that beautiful Ouroboros infinity energetic flow.
As they are helping you, you are also helping them.”
This article originally appeared on Medium:
~ Leah Lau is a Spiritual Coach, an energy healer and channel, a Master Akashic Records Reader & Healer, and a Reiki Master Teacher, from San Francisco, who is currently based in Los Angeles. She has had a multi-decade career as an Editor and Photographer, and worked in local, national, and international philanthropy, corporations, government, and nonprofits, including at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., the Charles Schwab Foundation, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development in San Francisco through the U.S. Department of Commerce, for General Motors Advanced Technology Vehicles for the prototype electric vehicle program, and as the Director of Communications for a nonprofit in Los Angeles. She holds a BA from the University of Chicago.