Among the main health questions I get are:
What is my diet?
And do I have to eat anything special to maintain my health and energy channeling abilities?
The answer is wholeheartedly Yes!
In loving care for all life and in stewardship of our beautiful earth’s environment, I have been vegetarian, mostly vegan, since 1993. Eating mostly plant-based food is the highest karma and purest prana for the human body and for our earth.
My diet is mostly Ayurvedic, and I do not cook with added salt or pepper. For all core ingredients, I focus on nutritional value and harmony within the body.
To optimize healthy prana ~ life force energy ~ and psychic channeling flow, my Higher Soul and Guides download high protein, nutritious, and holistic recipes that I can easily make at home.
I call it the Third Eye Diet.
Here’s the second recipe from it, based on the core Akashic Vitality Soup Recipe that I initially shared and that many of you have already been enjoying at home!
Akashic Vitality Mung Bean Dal
1 cup organic Green Mung Beans
1/3 cup organic Quinoa
Begin with 6 cups of room temperature spring water or filtered water
1 tablespoon powdered garlic
1-2 teaspoons powdered cumin, to taste
1-2 teaspoons dried food grade sage, to taste
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger (if fresh ~ a few thin slices)
1/8 teaspoon powdered coriander
1/16 teaspoon dried thyme (eyeball half of 1/8 teaspoon or just do a pinch)
2 tablespoons organic Ghee or organic Unrefined Coconut Oil to finish
Optional and note for all of these, carefully remove them after cooking, and before serving:
1 star of Star Anise
1 seed of Cardamom
1 bud of Clove
1 tiny peel of Cinnamon Bark
Soak 1 cup Green Mung Beans in 3 cups spring water, in a glass bowl. Lightly cover with aluminum foil and place in the refrigerator for 4 - 12 hours (longer range is better for faster cooking time).
After soaking Mung Beans, use a fine strainer and pour out water.
Rinse soaked Mung Beans well in fresh spring water or filtered water.
Cook Mung Beans and Quinoa
Bring 6 cups of spring water to a boil.
Add the soaked Green Mung Beans.
Add herbs and spices.
Bring to a boil again over a medium flame.
Reduce heat to simmer Mung Beans for 30 minutes, stirring at least every 10 minutes.
After simmering Mung Beans on their own, add Quinoa. (The Mung Beans will take longer to cook, so give them the initial time.) Keep simmering temperature.
Simmer entire blend including Mung Beans, Quinoa, herbs and spices for at least 20 minutes, stirring at least every 10 minutes, and adding an additional 1/2 cup of room temperature spring water at a time as needed or desired for dal or soup consistency. (The fluidity in water amounts is to account for variations in beans and how much water they’re absorbing.)
Keep simmering until Green Mung Beans are very soft.
Turn off the heat and cover the pot. Allow to set for 20 - 30 minutes so that Quinoa has become nicely puffed up.
Stir in 2 tablespoons of Ghee clarified butter or unrefined Coconut Oil.
Serve and allow to cool before eating.
Makes a delicious and nutritious meal on its own, or pairs beautifully with a salad or vegetable side dish.
For even more protein, I sometimes saute and similarly season Beyond Burger which is vegan, gluten free, and soy free.
For faster cooking time and a ratio for more of a quinoa soup option, you can adjust the recipe above to:
1/2 cup Mung Beans
1/3 cup Quinoa
Follow same instructions above. When initially boiling Mung Beans on their own, you could start with 20 minutes instead of 30.
A Song of Memories
The Patience
Of a Mother’s Love
Hours pass in a blink
Tender care
Imbuing Love
The gentle simmer
Over the soothing embers
Sweet hearth
Each ingredient
A Celebration
Of Mother Earth’s majesty
Eons of time
The perfection of her nutrients
Life giving
~ Leah Lau
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