Hello, everyone. I’m Leah Lau, an energy healer and channel. I have opened the Group Akashic Records for this collective field that we are all in right now, when so many are needing extra love, support, and reassurance. This beautiful, harmonious original music is composed and performed by my professional musician and sound healer friends, Jenny Deveau and Seth Misterka, of Dynasty Electrik. We hope you enjoy all of these loving blessings.
You can begin by gently inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. This very simple breathwork sends a loving signal to your body that you can relax and release. You can inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth at your own pace.
Whether you are sitting up or laying down, you can uncross your channels so that your legs are straight, and your arms are relaxed at your sides or resting on your thighs, with your hands relaxed, palms up.
Gold Grounding Tube
It is also helpful to put in place your own energy grounding tube. You can envision a beautiful gold ball of light right around your tailbone, right around your root chakra. You expand it out the width of your hips and you create a beautiful gold tube.
You then let gravity do the work and you drop the beautiful gold tube through the floor, through the earth, thousands of feet down to the center of the earth where you release all that you no longer need; all that no longer serves you. You release any old pain, any old fears, any old anxieties; any old programming. Anything that is not serving you in the present. You release everything that you have outgrown. You release everything that is not yours.
Everything exists at the energy level before we see it in the physical realm. The sooner that you release all that you no longer need; the sooner you have the space to bring in all of the beautiful things that are in your present and your near future, just waiting to come in. You can set up this gold grounding tube for yourself every day with just a few seconds of intention.
Violet Flame of St. Germain
Anytime that you need energetic clearing support, you can also call in the beautiful Violet Flame of St. Germain. You envision a beautiful pure Violet Flame that cocoons and ensconces your entire body, starting about 12 to 18 inches above your head. You then gently surround yourself in it. This is where you can safely transmute any negative energies that you do not need; that hold you back in any way; that cloud your field; that cloud your aura; that are not yours. By releasing the old energy, you help it get neutralized and up-cycled so that it can continue to evolve, as all energies do. The Violet Flame has frequencies of all of the color spectrum, and it gives comforting, safe space to transmute all that no longer serves you — with love, light, and compassion.
Central Channel Clearing & Activation
We lovingly request for you, if you would like, luminous Central Channel clearing and activation. The Central Channel is a radiant tube of energy that is within your body from the crown to the perineum and ensconces your entire spinal column. The Central Channel is approximately 4 inches wide in diameter.
We bring in healthy, flowing, divine white shimmering prana to fill your Central Channel with divine support that comes in through your spiritual cord, through your Crown Chakra at the top of your head, through your Third Eye, through your Ajna Chakra — which is in-between your eyebrows and is your willpower chakra, the director chakra, that directs all the other chakras.
You bring in the beautiful, divine white shimmering prana all through your entire being; all through your entire spinal column; all through all of the energy gateways along your spinal column, activating them with life-giving gold centers of light in every energy gateway.
Private Akashic Healing Room
For each of you, all of your highest vibration guides lovingly share with you, your own private Akashic Healing Room. Your private Akashic Healing Room is beautiful Rose Gold, unconditional love, Divine Feminine Energy. It ensconces and nurtures and supports you from all directions, with the most nurturing, supportive, Rose Gold love cloud and field around you. It supports you across all space, time, dimensions.
At the physical level, it supports every cell in your body for optimum health, optimum thriving.
At the emotional level, it supports your emotional energy field to help lovingly release any old emotions from your field that you no longer need.
At the soul timeline and karmic level, it helps release any old karmic densities from old traumas or pain that you may still be carrying from previous incarnations; of old wounds, of previous experiences.
All energy is always in motion and can shift as soon as you are ready.
Your Guides and ancestors lovingly bless and support you in every moment. You can call in the loving Rose Gold nurturing energy of your private Akashic Healing Room anytime that you need it. It is powered by Source and lovingly blessed by your Guides, who are transmitting their support to you in every moment of every day.
Higher Soul
We also lovingly request for you, if you would like, an even greater connection with your own Higher Soul, so that you can always receive all of the loving wisdom and guidance.
Direct Connection With Your Guides
We lovingly request for you, if you would like, an even stronger, more direct connection with all of your Guides — with your Ascended Masters, your highest vibration spiritual teachers, your ancestors, your loved ones, and your highest vibration animal totems. We lovingly request that all of your Guides speak together collectively as One, whenever possible, so that their transmissions and communications to you are as clear and as easily understood as possible. We lovingly request that whenever they are sharing information with you, whether it is audio, whether it is information drops through your crown, whether it is information via images or pictures, or sensations in the body that they share with you, we lovingly request that they communicate in ways that are very easy to understand here at the earthly level.
5D Blessings
We lovingly request all beautiful high vibration blessings from the 5th Dimension and above.
Rainbow Crystalline Tree of Life Blessing
We lovingly request for all who would like it, a beautiful Rainbow Crystalline Tree of Life blessing. The trunk of the Rainbow Crystalline Tree of Life is within the human body. The branches and leaves are above the human, reaching up to the sky and heavens. The grounding roots extend out of the human feet, rooting us down, anchoring us with light. The Rainbow Crystalline frequency from the 5th Dimension is a beautiful frequency of Light and Truth, helping you stand in your own truth; helping you stand in your own power; helping you cut away untruths from yourself and others, through your own radiance and light.
6D Gold & White Star Third Eye Activation
We lovingly request and receive for all who would like it, a beautiful 6th Dimension Third Eye activation of beautiful Gold and White Star divinity prana, luminous and radiant in a star pattern through the Third Eye radiating in all directions. Beautiful 6th Dimension blessings of Love and Peace, infusing your entire being with the most beautiful, loving, supportive, energy.
Mama Gaia
We so lovingly, gratefully acknowledge that Mama Gaia holds you, she nurtures you, she has always been your protection, your salvation. She holds you now in her divine embrace. She will not let you fall.
Zero Point
Together, in Oneness, throughout our world, we reach Zero Point. We have to, in order to begin anew.
Energy Blessing Thousand-Petaled Lotus
And now, above your head, we bring in a beautiful energy blessing of the Thousand-Petaled Lotus in luminous Gold Divinity Prana and shimmering Diamond White Light Divinity Prana.
If it is comfortable for you, you can put your tongue on the roof of your mouth to connect the front and back channels of your body.
You can bring in a beautiful tube of luminous Gold Divinity Prana right into the center of your Thousand-Petaled Lotus above your crown chakra. You bring in a beautiful tube of Diamond White Light right into the middle of your Thousand-Petaled Lotus. You helix those two tubes together.
You bring the helixed divine Gold and Diamond White Light prana all the way through your entire being in through your spiritual cord, your crown chakra, your Third Eye, to your Ajna chakra in-between your eyebrows, all the way through your Central Channel all the way through your spine, through all the energy gateways along your entire spine, to the base of your body.
You bring the Gold and Diamond White Light Divinity Prana all the way through your head, your mind, your neck, your upper back, your lower back, your shoulders, your arms, your hands, all the way through your chest, your front heart, your back heart, through your breathways, your trachea, your esophagus, your lungs, your ribs, all the way through your digestive tract, through your pelvic organs, through your hips, through your thighs, your knees, your calves, your feet.
Radiating all around you in a beautiful, supportive bubble all through your auric field, with this beautiful Divine Gold and White Prana. Filling all the way to your Causal Membrane, a thin but strong layer of energy that is your sovereignty, so that you know where you begin and end, and where others are.
If it is comfortable for you, you can breathe in and out through your nose, for energizing breath. I’ll gently count to 11 breath cycles. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Beautiful. You can bring in this Divine Thousand-Petaled Lotus energy blessing for yourself or anyone else at any time. It is powered by Source so it does not cost you anything; just a few seconds of intention and visualization.
To wish it for others, all you need to do is envision sending it to them and seeing the beautiful Thousand-Petaled Lotus in Gold and Diamond White Light above their heads, above their crown chakras.
With this Love and Peace blessing, you fill your own heart and have it overflowing with Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness. With love for all beings.
Om. Peace. Namaste.
With Thanks and in Full Faith.
So be it. So be it. So be it. And so it is.