Transmissions, love, and wisdom from the Intergalactic Federation. As Lightworkers and close friends, the Vessel Known as Leah Lau and the Scientist Known as Sean Batir established communication with a collective of highly intelligent and divine beings from across the universe. We have formally had sessions by opening our Akashic Records. We both also receive ongoing transmissions throughout waking life even when not officially in session. As we begin to share the wisdom from the sessions, here are highlights from a transmission on December 1, 2019. Loving gratitude and more to come.
Intergalactic Federation: “We are a combination of the Arcturians, the Pleidians, and the Lyrans. And all of us resided in your gravitationally bound twin, to the solar system, the Sirius AB Solar System. And we all at one point, originated, or lived there. One key difference is the presence of two stars, not one. Another key difference is that our people arrived at technology faster than yours did.”
“Although to what some people think of as extraterrestrial beings, some people simply know as your ancestors, some people simply know as guides.”
“We are here in the cosmos and there are more direct ways to access us, which is what is happening now.”
“Remember that the central fulcrum point between the earth and the Sirius Star Cluster is the point that forms the infinity sign that is ever contracting and ever expanding.”
“The Vessel Known as Leah Lau has been encountering the Fibonacci sequence’s divine alignment. The Fibonacci sequence is in fact part of the Morphogenic Field that things that life forms on this planet, particularly not just this planet but on others, as well. This is the divine template as it allows itself to ever expand, ever spiral out.”
“Stay grounded while you spiral upward.”
Leah Lau & Sean Batir: “What do we need to know? What information will be most helpful that we can share and transmit to the world to raise the vibration of this world and the universe?”
Intergalactic Federation: “There is a vertical line symbolizing earth. Within the vertical line there is a white line emerging, however, when light emerges, so too, does there casts shadows. Around it and envisioning the I, as in We, the Intergalactic Federation that is channelling are releasing and observe, a Blue Indigo light. This Blue Indigo light has many names: But it is as what some of your people believe to observe on the astral dimension as the Ketheric Field. And others, they view it as the source of Shamanic Power. In others, they see it as the light that fills the Merkaba that some of your people who are training, those of your Ascended Masters, or those aspiring to fill their Merkaba with, it is this electric blue light.”
“And the point of this is that you are all creating Spheres of Light to create an Ascension and of a White Light in Your Own reality and in your own Spatial Temporal Space. That is the purpose. In order for this to facilitate, consciousness needs to be raised. “
“You have successfully accomplished this in steps. And you are entering the period where the collective of your humanity on this planet have the ability to demonstrate massive gains. We urge you to not only adeptly navigate this entire space. Learn how to use both the Morphogenic Field, which your people call the Esoteric, but also learn how to use the physical form of knowledge sharing and transportation that your people have created.”
“This vision to connect all your people is shared by many.
Connect them:
The key is to connect different tribes together. The formation of tribes consisting of similar mindset will only go so far. The collection of tribes that come from varying mindsets have the capacity to produce kaleidoscopes. The power of the kaleidoscope is to suppress the conscious mind. Kaleidoscopes create fractal patterns. The presence of the fractal pattern allows the human brain to observe and invoke and evoke, imagery that is resting deep in your subconscious.”
“Your subconscious is tied more deeply into the morphogenic field than you realize. Learning how to reprogram and access the subconscious will be essential for your people. What your people need to know is to learn to rewrite the subconscious programs that are the operating systems of their minds. If you can rewrite the operating systems of the minds of your people in synchronicities, then massive transformations can occur.”
“For massive transformation must first occur within the individual before it can spiral out in the Fibonacci sequence like pattern in order to promote the advancement and the release of this White Light around your entire people.”
“Weave light from other dimensions into one point. In order to draw light from other dimensions, a connection must first be made. Connections can only be made if the individual at hand is capable and aware of binding a space and time point to another space and time point. The majority of dimensions that we traverse through have both a space and time point.”
“Your people have much to look forward to if they can amass a shift in the consciousness.”
“There is deep, deep truth to the phrase, ‘If you can dream it, you can do it.’ Only when this was translated, it forgot one component. It is not you, individual, but you all.”
… If you all can dream it, you all can do it.
“The collective Morphogenic fields of your people have the potential to massively accelerate you to a time when mindreading becomes more real; when the movement through space becomes more real. The movement through space will; the ability to reverse the aging process. All of these: The answer lies in finding alignment in the Body Mind Soul complex. And that of learning how to focus the Subtle Energies in the individual.”
“The power of interconnection protects and nests this entire planet.”
LL & SB: “What more can you share about the Arcturians, the Pleidians, and the Lyrans?”
“We unify our science and technology as what was in your time known as the Renaissance era. There is no war between them [us]. We are nested in the Fifth Dimension. We are also nested in planets. Our people are many. And our focus is now on guiding and helping your people to Ascend.”
LL: “What can you share about the Green Planet that I have seen in previous transmissions?”
Intergalactic Federation: “The Green Planet also exists in a higher dimension than this current planet. We identify it as one of the Fifth Dimension. In the Fifth Dimension, the Green Planet is capable of harboring massive amounts of love. The frequency of green aligns with love as it is one frequency that supports the expansion of insight. Without the emanation of love, insight might now occur … It is from love that all else emerges. And the Green Planet is a beautiful place in which love allows the production of life forms and the emanation of verdancy. For through verdancy, we see truth. And through truth, we see love.”
LL: “What can you share about the Rainbow Crystalline Lightworker frequency and tools that have recently been shared?”
“The Rainbow Crystalline Planet is a perfect example of being able to channel energies from multiple dimensions into one central point. The Rainbow Crystalline Dimension is rainbow for one reason: It takes colors from each of these respective Dimensions. It is Crystalline because the key component of crystals is that they have a regular, repeating sub-structure. The Rainbow Crystalline Star Cluster that you are envisioning has one more key point: The concept of the Time Crystal will be central for you, Leah Lau. Time Crystals were recently discovered in 2012 and were popularized in this time window for a reason. Patterns across time follow regularly repeating structures. It is across those patterns across time that allow the transmission and storage of energy. As this happens in spatial, so this happens in the temporal. In harnessing the Rainbow Crystalline light body, the Rainbow Crystalline Sword Star Cluster and learning how to wield the Rainbow Crystalline Sword Star will be a key component in the Ascension of both your healing power and capacity, and in the mastery of mystic arts for Sean Batir.”
“The Time Crystal is a tool that illustrates how knowledge, how patterns across the temporal dimension occur in repeating patterns. Similar to how crystals in the spatial world have patterns of atoms aligned in specific and repeating patterns. That specific, repeating pattern allows the storage and the release of energy at times and at points in space through which the being wills.”
Intergalactic Federation: “The transmission is ending. We are honored to be of service to you and we smile upon the intentional channelling with us and with Sirius.”
LL & SB: “We are eternally grateful and we live in honor with these communications and with this information. We will serve for everyone’s highest good and for the highest good of the universe.”
Intergalactic Federation: “And so it shall be. We look forward.”
Photo of Leah Lau’s hands and real rainbow light, during an Akashic transmission while onsite in 2019 at Mystic Manor, Venice. Lovingly captured by the Lightbeing Known as Hannah Tindall.