Photo by Marcia Lau, Malibu Farm, 2021

Welcome! I’m Leah Lau, Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Intuitive, and Spiritual Coach. I help people remember they are always loved and divinely connected, and I will love to help you align with your personal Ultimate Timeline, the highest vibration possibilities for your life. Meditation and spiritual practice strengthen your connection with your Higher Soul, Divinity, and the energetic healing of unconditional love and bliss. 

I am Buddhist and was born into this incarnation with intuitive access across all space, time and dimensions. I began my spiritual training at around age 3, thanks to my mother, May Young, who taught me about meditation, souls, reincarnation, chakras, and yoga.

I help people thrive in their personal highest vibration lives, aligning with the individual Ultimate Timelines, I train and certify Lightworkers in the Reiki Usui and Tibetan lineages, and in Pleiadian Reiki, a new system of energy healing that I am channeling with fellow Bodhisattva Lightworker Jason William McDonald. Pleiadian Reiki brings through heaven on earth through multidimensional intergalactic distance Reiki across all space, time, and dimensions, including the Pleiadian Reiki Cosmic Flower of Life for unconditional love healing, activations, and grounding techniques.

I have channeled energy healing and Guidance from our spirit guides for thousands of people around the country and the world in person from dozens of countries; and including people connecting in online across the United States, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, the Caribbean, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Kenya, and New Zealand.

I live the Oneness of all humanity aligned in service to others. I remember that we are all divinely loved at all times. Will you join me in overflowing with love from yourself and helping uplift the world?

Let’s stay connected and help each other thrive!

cosmicleah777 at gmail

IG @leahclau

Read my articles on Medium

I Guide a customized experience for you in any of these, or a combination of healing modalities:
Reiki & energy healing
Spiritual Coaching
Business Coaching

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